Call for Proposals
The Mid-South Educational Research Association (MSERA) is pleased to announce that the Call for Proposals for the 2022 Annual Meeting is now open.
The deadline for proposal submission has been extended and is now July 5, 2022.
Only proposals submitted online via the proposal system will be considered. Proposals are to be submitted as abstracts.
Proposals Eligible for Submission
All members of MSERA and others are invited to submit proposals for the following sessions:
Research in Progress (students only)
All submissions for the James E. McLean Outstanding Distinguished Paper Award and the Herbert M. Handley Outstanding Thesis/Dissertation Award must be submitted as a proposal for the Annual Meeting and must follow specific instructions for each award.
If you have any questions about the Call for Proposals, please email the program chairs: Nykela Jackson ( or Rachelle Miller (
November 9-11, 2022
Embassy Suites
Little Rock AR
What to Do in
Little Rock
What to Eat in
Little Rock
Little Rock
Annual Meeting Preregistration Rates:
Professional- $150.00
Student - $65.00
Retiree - $65.00