Walter M. Mathews Historical Contribution Award
The Walter M. Mathews Historical Contributions Award was created in 1999 to honor Walter Mathews, the founder of MSERA. The intent of the award is to recognize those who have contributed to change within the association to achieve the evolving vision. Recipients of this award should have a record of enabling the association to change in positive ways to benefit the MSERA membership over a period of years.
Individuals who are nominated for this award may be longstanding members of MSERA, former MSERA officers, and/or MSERA members who served as mentors to new professional and student members. The Executive Committee of MSERA may choose to present up to three awards in a single year.
The basis for selection to receive this award will be stated when the award is announced and in any other forums where presentation of this award is reported.
Nominations are solicited by announcements in The Researcher (May issue) and on the MSERA website. Nominations are sent to the current President of MSERA or designee. Upon receipt of the nominations, the President or designated chair reviews the list of previous awardees to retain only names of those who have not previously been given this award.
Selection Procedures
The selection committee for this award is the MSERA Executive Committee. The President or designated chair forms a committee to rank all of the nominees. Rankings from each committee member are reversed to give the first ranked nominee the highest points; the lowest ranked the least points.
The nominee with the greatest cumulative points is selected. In the event of a tie, the committee can choose to give the award to all tied individuals or to have a second round of rankings to break the tie.
Past recipients of the Walter M. Mathews Historical Contribution Award
2023 Tina Allen
2022 Franz Reneau
2021 Ava Pugh
2020 Charles Notar
2019 Suzanne Franco
2018 Jwa Kim
2017 Larry Daniel
2016 Julie Holmes
2015 Randy Parker
2014 Jane Nell Luster
2013 Jim E. McLean
2012 Mary Beth Evans, Judith Boser, and Cliff Hofwolt
2010 David Morse, Linda Morse
2009 Ron Adams
2008 Jerry Robbins, John Enger
2006 George Gaines
2004 Harry Bowman, John Petry
2003 Charles Achilles
2002 Jeffrey Gorrell, Richard Kazelskis
2001 Fred Bellott, John Burns, Eugene Jongsma, Ron Partridge
2000 Walter Mathews
The Award
The award is made at the annual business meeting of MSERA in November with each recipient receiving a plaque.